Friday, May 18, 2007

I finally did it!

Well, I have finally taken the time to set up a blogspot. My sister, Leanna, suggested the name Snidersixpack (not because of our physique!) and I thought it was a good one. I am excited to keep everyone updated on life as it happens here in "our world".

We have been really busy the last three weeks. Matt left to go back overseas. He is now a door gunner on the helicopters there. He works on the "little and big" birds and this requires him to halfway hand out of the door. Nice thought for us at home. He is enjoying this opportunity as his time there is starting to come to an end.

All the kids had field day except for Luke, he had Special Olympics. Sam, my nephew was the helper for Luke this year since Carson couldn't miss school that day. We won 4th in the wheelchair race and 1st in the tennis ball throw! Sam has short legs and couldn't get a good running start! Carson is now officially a "middle schooler", Luke and Isaac are 4th graders and Grace is a 1st grader. I am just officially "crazy"! HA

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