Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And more camping!

Matt and Sparky on the water for a big time! that did not last long because Sparky was worried about the kids on the tube!

Anna and Patty getting the jet ski fired up with the tube. I am driving the boat - yahoo !!

Emma and Grace posing for a picture....

A little more tubing....I got suckered into getting onto this thing this year. I am too tender for this thing.

Let me just put this disclaimer in here. Matt has had neck pain since he was in Baghdad about a 1 1/2 years ago. I told him that he was gonna kill his neck on this thing, but what do I know. Let me just say, he has had three successful visits with the chiropractor since then. He was not right after this...or maybe that was sleeping in the army hammock! hmm....

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