Carson is such an amazing son! He is compassionate, smart, handsome, kind, most of the time considerate and a good brother. He is a good student and a great example to others. He has some dumb decisions under his belt that hopefully he has learned from, although, I am certain that there will be more (he is my son after all and sometimes it takes us a little longer to learn).
He is a great soccer player. He is just found out he made All State Chorus, which is a big deal since they auditoin all the middle school chorus' in the state of Georgia. He was asked to be on a science team. He is a member of Velocity, which is like Teen Advisors for middle school. We are just proud of him! He deserves to be bragged on every now and then. He is my favorite oldest son! And we could not ask for a better first child. He is perfect in our family. He protects his brothers and sisters.
One of my favorite memories is when Matt was in Iraq and Mother's Day rolled around for the second year. I was sleeping and he got Issac and Grace together, fixed breakfast and got Luke out of bed all on their on, put him in his wheelchair and rolled him into my room. I am tearing up just thinking of that moment, knowing that Carson knew how much that would mean to me. That is the best present he could have given me. This year Carson wanted a cookie cake so Isaac made one for him. Isaac likes to cook and it was really good!
We went to Sushiko (Carson's choice). I was willing to cook, but I think Carson jumped on going to eat somewhere nice since we rarely do. He had his friends, John and Will spend the night and go with us. They are twins and the same age. We like to pick on Carson and ask if he needs a booster seat to sit next to them. They have played soccer for several years together.
Carson is a special kid and a really cool kid. We are really proud of him!
Aww...happy 13th, Carson! Hope it was a good one!
Great choice of restaurant Carson! I can't believe how old he is getting. As his Aunt I can heartily agree that he truly is a special and sweet person. I will always think of him partly in terms of Popsidoos (popsicles) and jabbber-jabber-jabber "bob the tomato" Jabber-jabber-jabber, "larry."
Happy Birthday to Carson! I can't believe he is a teen already! I must brag some more for you, Becca, when the kids and Leanna stayed with us on their way to Richmond, I was a little nervous having 5 extra children for the night! But they were all the sweetest things in the world! I told them they are welcome here ANYTIME and that their mama should be so proud! You've done good girl! :) Elsa
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