Sunday, October 7, 2007

I must brag on Matt

I know ya'll must be dont post for three months and then two in one night. Well, I am trying to get better. Anyways, I got the most beautiful flowers from Matt! I just had to brag on him. Matt Rocks!!!

I'm Bored

Well....being the wise mother that I am...Isaac came to me and said "I am bored". I say, "Well Isaac, you know what "they" say. If you are bored that must mean you are boring. What are you going to do about it?" And this is their answer. They love to play in the mud. Of course that is really all that our backyard is. So they turn on the faucet and make a river down to the end of the yard. This is equivalent to us playing in the sprinkler as a child! Ah, memories!

Getting ready to make some good ole mud pies! Meanwhile, Luke and I stay inside safe and sound!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

So few hairs.....

Well, this was an attempt to give Grace some curls. She has as few hairs in her head as I we have about three hairs in each curler. They fell out before she ever went to bed to sleep on them. It was fun trying and she quit asking after this attempt...Now, she just wants me to use a curling iron. That is much quicker.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

So it has been a while!

Well, I had lots of great pictures to post and have not been able to because I lost my camara with about 200 or so pictures on it! Had great ones, like kids last day of school, our awesome and FUN camping trip in Tennessee with Pop Pop and Patty! So, just giving a little update! We have had a busy summer so far and have just been hanging out! Carson has had two soccer camps and Isaac and Grace have had gymnastics. Lukers has had his feel of therapies.

We had an awesome time camping! We went out on an island at the lake by boat and set up five tents on the island. Luke did really well. We thought it may be too hot for him, but he hung in there like a trooper. He got a new all terrain stroller the day before we left and it turned out to be really great to have! He had a nice breeze most the time. He even rode the jet ski with me. Carson was very concerned and then we decided that the worst that could happen is we both fall in with our life jackets and float. Carson, the little man of the house!

Grace was scared the first night because it stormed, but after that she was all for the camping. Especially learning how to go to the bathroom in the woods, real mother and daughter bonding.

Isaac and Carson stayed occupied the entire time! Either on the boat or on the tube or on the back of a jet ski.....or, chasing Zach, Anna's boyfriend, around the entire time he was there! Great guy for putting up with that!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Sam, Luke and I ran the Wheelchair race at the Special Olympics. Well, actually we walked it because they would not allow us to run and they better be glad or we would have won first place. We place 4th out of four teams! Just wait until next year!
A little rest in the shade was nice after the race!

I finally did it!

Well, I have finally taken the time to set up a blogspot. My sister, Leanna, suggested the name Snidersixpack (not because of our physique!) and I thought it was a good one. I am excited to keep everyone updated on life as it happens here in "our world".

We have been really busy the last three weeks. Matt left to go back overseas. He is now a door gunner on the helicopters there. He works on the "little and big" birds and this requires him to halfway hand out of the door. Nice thought for us at home. He is enjoying this opportunity as his time there is starting to come to an end.

All the kids had field day except for Luke, he had Special Olympics. Sam, my nephew was the helper for Luke this year since Carson couldn't miss school that day. We won 4th in the wheelchair race and 1st in the tennis ball throw! Sam has short legs and couldn't get a good running start! Carson is now officially a "middle schooler", Luke and Isaac are 4th graders and Grace is a 1st grader. I am just officially "crazy"! HA