Monday, July 7, 2008

Last bit of camping

So I am not sure if I mentioned how bad it stormed while we were camping. PopPop and Patty had a storm the night before we got there so we thought we were safe but that was not so. On the second day we were there about 4pm it started to pour. We shoved everyone into tents except for dad, patrice and matt. Luke and I sat inside our tent safely trying to stay dry. Our tent was closest to the water and all of a sudden it sounded like a waterfall and then came the hail! YES HAIL!!!! that is not snow, but HAIL! A couple of them pelted Patty on the had through the shelter over the food area! What a mess!

Thsi is everything piled up in the middle of the tent. It is really hard to pile up a king size air mattress and a twin....Luke was laying on the other twin air mattress. We eventually started to pile it on top of Luke, which he loved because of the heavy sensory input! What a goof! How was I supposed to know that if something was touching the walls that water would come in! I got in big trouble for that. HEHE~

A little tired! I think this was after dinner at Cowboy's, which is a restaurant on the water, after the hail storm.

Yeah, we forgot hats. Matt got realy fried on his head. What is that saying... proper planning prevents ____ poor performance. What can I say, I tried, but we had hot Krystals!

Look Sadie Kaye! It is barky! I just love this picture of Sparky. Some of you will notice the arctic blonde on his mouth area. He has a stressful life protecting the household. YEAH RIGHT!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And more camping!

Matt and Sparky on the water for a big time! that did not last long because Sparky was worried about the kids on the tube!

Anna and Patty getting the jet ski fired up with the tube. I am driving the boat - yahoo !!

Emma and Grace posing for a picture....

A little more tubing....I got suckered into getting onto this thing this year. I am too tender for this thing.

Let me just put this disclaimer in here. Matt has had neck pain since he was in Baghdad about a 1 1/2 years ago. I told him that he was gonna kill his neck on this thing, but what do I know. Let me just say, he has had three successful visits with the chiropractor since then. He was not right after this...or maybe that was sleeping in the army hammock! hmm....

More Camping

OK, so I am so backwards on this posting stuff. But anyways, here is more camping pictures!

Luke and I on a late night boat ride!

There is nothing like the sunsets on the lake. There is beautiful reflection of the sun on the water with the mountains in the background. And two Sea doos with Matt and Anna on them!

Come on Pop Pop, get the fire started!

Grace and Pop Pop getting the fire going!

I just love this picture of Matt and Lukers! What an awesome father and son moment!

Camping Trip

Well, we were able to go to Pop Pop and Patty's to camp. We did not think that we were going to be able to go, but were able to get up there. Matt has never been out on the lake there so camping was a real blast for him. It was really adventurous and gave us a real opportunity to look on the bright side!

Well, this is us running out of gas just north of Atlanta. But before you say, "how can two smart, reasonable adults run out of gas?" Let me tell you. We saw the light come on in the van, but it was about 10:30 and everyone was hungry. So.....we thought you cant have a road trip without a bag of Krystals! Well, we get to Krystal and we were the first to order gut busters so we had to wait for them to finish cooking.....25 minutes! While waiting, we ran out of gas, but if you notice the van is on a slight hill so we probably would have made it otherwise. Who really cares though, we had HOT Krystal burgers!!!!!! Nothing like a Krystal box graveyard on the dash! Those poor burgers didnt have a prayer!

It didnt take Matt long to hop onto the Sea Do. He really had a blast on it! In fact wants to get one!
Grace and Pop Pop driving the boat! Grace likes letting the wind blow in her hair.

Well, this is not where we roped off the bathroom section. This is actually army hammocks where Matt, Carson and Isaac slept. Well..... Carson and Isaac slept there until 4AM the first night. Matt made it the whole time, except the very last night when it started to rain! He likes to sleep under the stars apparently. I think he was pulling lookout duty or something. But we had Sparky there so he didnt need to...HA!

It's a bird, It's a plane, It's Dumbo...No just Sparky who was a nervous wreck the entire trip....He spent most of his time looking over the edge of the boat making sure that no one fell in the water. NOT that he would go in to save you because he is scared of the water.... We had to throw him in to cool him off.